HIPAA Business Associate Online Training is Fully Updated for the HITECH Act

Thanks to the recent HITECH Act and the ARRA, Business Associates (BAs) must comply with most of HIPAA. Be compliant, be safe, and teach your workforce what they need to know about HIPAA.

MyHIPAAtraining for Business Associates satisfies the new HIPAA requirements for BAs in a brief and cost-effective course. This online training delivers precisely the HIPAA know-how Business Associates need, and emphasizes practical knowledge to assure compliance and avoid HIPAA violations.

Learners appreciate the simple interface, clear content, and highlighted quiz content that makes it easy to learn and pass the course. Managers love the unique setup and admin features no other online course offers.

Registration and Learning Made Easy

With MyHIPAAtraining for Business Associates, any number of trainees can register and login to the system in seconds. From a few employees to thousands, signing-in and using this HIPAA training is quick and painless. Management starts the registration process with a simple email to employees. A link in the email leads to the registration page. Once there, trainees enter their name, email address, and a unique Client Code, and they are registered. This one-time registration process takes less than a minute. Once registered, trainees can login any time and take the course and the quiz all at once, or in sections – at their own pace.

Management Control is Built Right In

With MyHIPAAtraining for Business Associates, management control of the training process is built right into the training system. Managers can login securely at any time and see which employees have started or completed the training. Managers can also post messages on the system to their entire group; and Quiz scores for all trainees are instantly available too.